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Floral Delusion花の妄想

2022年10月11日 アメリカにて香水が発売となった香水「Floral delusion 花の妄想」は、

Best of scent 2022 by @idameister for @cafleurebonofficial に選ばれたとM.Hainey氏から2022年12月28日に連絡をもらった。


この香水は巨匠 黒澤明監督の夢のワンシーン、狐の嫁入りからインスパイヤされたものだ。M.Hainey 氏との仕事は機知に富み、直感に導かれる仕事だ。



※ ÇaFleureBonとは。

世界のトップ 5 のフレグランス サイト。香水のあらゆる側面に関するオリジナルのコンテンツを発行しており、読者にあらゆる香りの世界を提供。


On October 11, 2022, the perfume "Floral delusion" was launched in the U.S.

I got informed by M.Hainey that it was selected as Best of scent 2022 by @idameister for @cafleurebonofficial.

We are very grateful to Mr. M. Hainey, a lover of natural fragrances for having crossed the ocean from Japan, to make this fragrance.

Working with Mr. M. Hainey is witty and guided by intuition.

I haven't actually tried the perfume scent yet, but I imagine it is a wild rose with a more subtle fragrance. I am thrilled by this last big news of the year 2022, and I send my prayers of deep gratitude from Japan.

May the circulation of love increase.

What is ÇaFleureBon?

The world's top 5 fragrance sites. It publishes original content on all aspects of perfumery, offering its readers a world of fragrance.

Contributes a variety of articles including perfume reviews, coverage of international beauty and fragrance events, news within the fragrance industry, and educational information on raw materials and ingredients.





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